Monday, 15 May 2017


A couple of quick shots from the exhibition!

"She Wove Roses Around It"
Maddie Smith

"She Wove Roses Around It"
Maddie Smith

"She Wove Roses Around It"
Maddie Smith

"She Wove Roses Around It"
Maddie Smith

"And Dreaming Through The Twilight"
Julie James - Turner

"And Dreaming Through The Twilight"
Julie James - Turner

"And Dreaming Through The Twilight"
Julie James - Turner

"My Dearest"
Julie James - Turner

"Untitled no.2500"
Thaleia Kavvada

"Untitled no.2500"
Thaleia Kavvada

"Untitled no.2500"
Thaleia Kavvada

"Let Limbs Tangle Till Dawn"
Maddie Smith

"Untitled no.28"
Thaleia Kavvada

Laura Wake

Laura Wake

" Six"
 Laura Wake

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Maddie Smith - Bunting

Here are some samples of stitch that became bunting. I stitched the poem onto paper and then soaked in the bath so it crinkled. I wanted it to look worn, like something dragged in by sea.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Thaleia Kavvada - 2nd Installation

the olive grove, behind the sea, and even

the sun, death within the deaths

2,500 stamps, on 2,500 pictures of sea, in 2,500 envelopes, for 2,500 drowned Syrian refugees during last year - the number is based on UNHCR stats.

The phrases I’ve used describe various kinds of relationships.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Julie James-Turner

black on black

Ive been experimenting with different shades of black thread on black taffeta, to create digitally embroidered feathers but there is black and then there is black! Threads look very different tones of black in different lighting. So after contacting Maddie Ive decided to go for a set of three tones of black for the embroidery. 

Ive also made a prototype for the glove.
 My idea has evolved from the poem and been inspired by black crows messengers of the afterlife. There is so much symbolism attached to crows they are fascinating creatures.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Laura Wake - Final 6

Here are the final six images to be exhibited  alongside my sound piece! They will be labeled in roman numerals from I-VI. The order of which will be decided when I hang them. The sound piece will also have 6 second gaps to tie in with the theme of "Six" ( 6 sides of a dice/chance etc) The sound will be played on a tape player through a usb which contains the clipped/cut and mixed sound taken from the original tape.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Maddie Smith- Decisions around the beachut

I am struggling with the beach hut. I am working into it bit by bit in short bursts that last less then an hour. I am struggling with the positioning of it and have played around with this. I feel it might need to be taller. I am seeking outside advice.

I have thought about laying it down and resting it the box. This suggests a brokenness. I'm not sure if this is what I am going for, although it does create a certain tension.

I have to think. Do I want create a more peaceful sculpture? The box of painful memories sitting by the sea, resting. Or do I want to think about this tension created by a more dismantled beach hut, that almost suggests a threat?

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Julie James-Turner - Starting on my next piece of work

So Ive started pondering my next piece of work, which is also in response to my original poem 'Song'. I'm fascinated by black crows and am pondering how I can convey a sense of their mysteriousness and their symbolic link to the afterlife.

So far Ive digitally embroidered feathers on crisp black taffeta, a fabric often used in Victorian mourning garments. Ive used different shades of black thread and broken the colour within the same feather to suggest the sheen on black feathers.


Sunday, 16 April 2017

Maddie Smith- Poem and analysis of materials

This poem explores the therapeutic concept of "Boxing it". Putting painful memories away and choosing not to deal with them in the present time.

This poem has become the inspiration for my installation.

She wove roses around it

This box is made up of pieces of driftwood,
A broken pallet,
Scattered in sand,

It is ragged and worn,
Like the years it tore her, the years it drove her to drink.

This box is made up of pieces of driftwood ,
Containing a dress of regrets.
A scar that is healing with each breath of the hour ,
Weighted words spoken on dark, smoky nights.

It once was a wound that she wore on her shoulder,
That ouzed out to people that she tried to love.

She wove roses around it,
And wrapped it in ribbons,
And left it to sit by the shore, by the sea.

Analysis of materials-

Roses- symbol of love. Dying roses (roses will be wove around my installation and left to decompose) time passing, death, but comfort in death- the end of suffering, healing.

Sand- time passing, grains of sand passing through an hour glass, gritty, sometimes soft.

Driftwood, broken pallets- aged, weathered, carrying something with you for a long time.

Ribbons- White? (Still undecided on colour) bandages, healing, extra protection.

This installation overall explores an attempt to create beauty out of something painful, but also to protect it, keep it safe.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Thaleia Kavvada - Video post-production

I’m currently working on the post-production of the video for my primary piece. I shot several videos depicting different backgrounds/environments, changing the lighting in order to achieve a projection result as realistic as possible.

Although my initial idea was to have a woman sitting on a rocking chair reading the poem,

I ended up with this...

And after a couple of hours experimenting with various actions and movements, I decided to have the actor walking around the space.

I then had to find the lighting that would give my projected video the most realistic effect.

While projecting the videos on the curtain, it was clear that the most effective one was the one with the strong light towards the curtain. But in terms of the aesthetics of the image, I prefer the one with the floor lamp and the rocking chair at the background. So I decided to go for that one. At the moment, I am working on Premiere editing the video, a still of which in its current form is this:

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Laura Wake - Newcastle

Had a flying visit to newcastle today to grab some shots for my double exposures - beautiful day - very quickly edited - now to combine them with some portraits.